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Book Reading in Association with Jozis Books and Blogs

March 03, 2017

Book launch at Qurtuba Islamic Academy in association with Jozis Books & Blogs. Excited to be with Junior Honorary Ranger Afeefah Patel, a young #savetherhino hero! Kruger National Park Trails Guide Ashraf Sayed will also be there to talk about being a ranger.

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Know Your Child Workshop

February 03, 2017

Parenting workshop to raise mindful kids's attention...

Lotus FM

December 14, 2016

On the midday spice with Pravina Maharaj

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702 Early breakfast show

December 12, 2016

A great morning with Relebogile on 702 talking about my startup Conscious Kids and the inspiration of Geza and the Bee. "Local author working to inspire children & preserve wildlife through story telling". Listen to the interview on soundcloud. The catchy theme song was aired for the very first time!

Official Book Launch - Geza & the Bee

December 03, 2016

Crowds came out for the launch of Geza & the Bee! We kicked off with a heartwarming performance on rhino poaching by Dance to Be Wild's Sophiatown team. Producer, Eternal then lead the children's sing-a-long to the theme song of the book! Then came storytime with the Author and an inspiring interview with the Author & Illustrators. The best part of all was the children's message - "Save our rhinos, save our planet"

Soweto TV interview

November 22, 2016

With Nimrod from Soweto-Tv talking about Gea and the Bee, writers life and following a dream

Jozi FM Interview

September 12, 2016

Tune into Jozi FM at 10:15am to listen in on my interview with DJ Zama.

Know Your Child Workshop, Emmerentia

September 03, 2016

Parenting Workshop from 14:30-17:00

Helps parents raising children under 12 yrs of age to:

üUnderstand your child better

ü   Boost your child’s confidence

ü   Instil trust  

ü   Maintain the enquiring state of mind/ interest in life  

ü   Improve parent/child communication  

ü   Understand & change eating patterns  & tantrums

ü   Enhance creativity

ü   Be independent & responsible

ü   Reach their potential

ü   Weed out the root causes of problematic teens

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Jozis Books And Blogs Festival

July 30, 2016

Know Your Child Workshop

July 22, 2016

Parenting Workshop from 15:00-17:30

Helps parents raising children under 12 yrs of age to:

üUnderstand your child better

ü   Boost your child’s confidence

ü   Instil trust  

ü   Maintain the enquiring state of mind/ interest in life  

ü   Improve parent/child communication  

ü   Understand & change eating patterns  & tantrums

ü   Enhance creativity

ü   Be independent & responsible

ü   Reach their potential

ü   Weed out the root causes of problematic teens

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Father's Day Jazz & Soul @ SKOOBS

June 18, 2016

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Official Launch of "Who am I" @ Skoobs 14:00

October 31, 2015

Childrens book reading followed by an interview and question and answer session with parents. Fun for the whole family

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October 24, 2015

Local story tellers to hold court in the cycle-inspired storytelling corner at the JoburgEcomobility Festival. Prepare to be enchanted with charming tales of chickens who dream of flight, playground power plays and magical garden rivalries. Weekend yarn spinning takes place in the cycle-inspired storytelling corner at “Our History of Transport” exhibition at 11:30 am and 3:00 pm on the 17, 18, 24 & 25 October.



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