Geza & the Bee is a tale about the inter connectivity of life to inspire every child to love & respect nature. Geza, a baby rhino learns about the impact of his actions on the cycle of life as he tries to kill a bee. The story is shared in a light and humorous manner, with delightful insights on the life of a bee.
The rhino & the bee were chosen as characters for this story as their plight for survival is a current and important issue. This is my way of helping them help us.
Written by Dharmisha Cvetkovic
Illustrated by Mandi Sagorin, Natasha Vithal & Dharmisha Cvetkovic
Dedicated to the real life Rhino, Geza, who was callously mutilated & left alive with his horn and part of his face hacked off with pangas. Dr William Fowlds, a brave vetenarian recorded Geza's ordeal with the intention that

.. the account of this one rhino's tragic end will reach into the conscience and hearts of all men.

My contribution to a sustainable future is the book Geza & the Bee - a tale about a rhino trying to kill a bee and then discovering that the whole world belongs to him!
Percentage of the proceeds go to Rhino preservation
Geza's full story - POACHED by Dr William Fowlds here

Who am I? Why am I here? What would I like to do with my time on earth? If we can plant these seeds of enquiry into a child's mind, we will be able to raise a generation of mindful adults.

The philosophical question that has baffled mankind through the ages. This delightful tale for children of 5 and up, is not intended to answer the question, but rather to plant the seeds of enquiry into the child's mind.
The story gently expands the child's consciousness from the physical to the subtle. As Sarah uncovers that she is more than her body, emotions and thoughts, she starts to feel a sense of greater connectedness and expansion. In this field of awareness is where a child's true potential lies.
Written & illustrated by Dharmisha Cvetkovic
Portia Kel TV - This book is a must on every child's book shelf.

With Relebogile on 702's early breakfast show. Listen here
"Thank you so much! He loves your book. We are reading it every night." - Delorne Govender, mother of 5 year old Micheal
Airynne (6) told her Mom Olivia that “She enjoyed the book, she loved looking at the pretty pictures and now she can read the book in class to her friends”
Airynne's mom went further to donate a copy to her daughter's school