Dance To Be Wild (DTBW) is an initiative by leading South African and International Ballroom and Latin American Dancers with one of its aims to contribute effectively to the fight against the indiscriminate killing of our rhino population through dance. DTBW also seeks to empower South African children to take ownership of their wildlife heritage through educational and dance programmes.
Through the Youth Ambassador programme, they are committed to nurturing and embracing the Leaders of tomorrow. South African children need to be introduced to the majesty of their natural and wildlife heritage. It, therefore, remains the commitment of DTBW to host children from their development programmes at our wonderful game parks and reserves.
Educating the coming leaders, our children, is vital to sustain the planet. The combination of literature and dance is perfectly aligned. Therefore, a portion of proceeds from the sale of Geza & the Bee will be donated to aid DTBW in their rhino conservation efforts.